
Field Trials and Effectiveness of Altosid® IGR

Field Trials and Effectiveness of Altosid® IGR

Horn flies are a persistent problem for cattle, causing significant discomfort and economic loss due to decreased weight gain and milk production. Effective control of these pests is crucial for maintaining cattle health and farm profitability. One promising solution is the use of Altosid® Insect Growth Regulator (IGR). Altosid® IGR field trials in various states have demonstrated the efficacy of Altosid® IGR in controlling horn fly populations on cattle.

Overview of Altosid IGR and Field Trials

Altosid® IGR contains (S)-Methoprene, an insect growth regulator that disrupts the lifecycle of horn flies. By preventing larvae from maturing into adults, Altosid® IGR effectively reduces the overall population of these pests. The field trials evaluated the effects of different concentrations and formulations of Altosid® IGR on horn fly population reduction.

Horn fly control studies included feeding Altosid® IGR to cattle in Illinois, Kentucky, North and South Carolina and Texas. A number of cattle supplements containing 0.02%, 0.01% and 0.005% Altosid® IGR were administered on a free-choice basis to evaluate inhibitory effects on the development of adult horn flies in fecal pats.

Altosid® IGR Trial Results

Illinois Field Trial
In Illinois, cattle were fed a mineral mix containing 0.02% Altosid® IGR Granular Cattle Supplement. The results showed a 95% reduction in horn fly counts on treated cattle compared to untreated herds. The reduction in horn fly development in feces also indicated the effectiveness of Altosid® IGR in breaking the pest's lifecycle.

Texas Field Trial
The Texas trial used a custom liquid feed formulated with Altosid® IGR 1% Liquid to provide 0.001259% (S)-Methoprene. Within four weeks, the horn fly population was significantly reduced and remained below economic thresholds throughout the study.

South Carolina Field Trial
In South Carolina, cattle received a 0.02% Altosid® IGR Granular Cattle Supplement. The trial demonstrated a stable reduction in horn fly counts on treated cattle, while the untreated group's fly population steadily increased.

North Carolina Field Trial
North Carolina's trial involved a few different formulations: a 0.02% and 0.01% Altosid® IGR Mineral Block and 0.005% Altosid® IGR Mineral Tub. The treatments effectively reduced horn fly counts, with the mineral block showing a notable reduction across two different pastures.

Kentucky Field Trial
In Kentucky, cattle were given 0.02% Altosid® IGR Granular Cattle Supplement. The treatment significantly lowered the number of adult horn flies per side, demonstrating the compound's efficacy against these pests.

The field trials across various states consistently showed Altosid® IGR effectiveness in reducing horn fly populations on cattle. By disrupting the lifecycle of horn flies, Altosid® IGR not only reduces the immediate pest burden but also helps in maintaining lower populations over time. These results highlight the importance of incorporating Altosid® IGR into integrated pest management strategies for cattle producers seeking to improve animal health and productivity.

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