For exclusive content and insider information, check the Altosid ® IGR blog regularly to stay up to date with the latest in horn fly control and cattle health management.
The Altosid® IGR team can’t wait to head to San Antonio for NCBA February 4-6, 2025! Visit booth #2243 to get expert advice on achieving your fly control goals.
Understanding the horn fly life cycle provides the foundation for effective fly control. By targeting the pupal stage, Altosid® IGR disrupts the life cycle.
Anna Smith, Regional Sales Manager at Central Life Sciences, emphasizes the importance of a functional IPM program. Watch our latest video to learn more.
Randy Knight provides valuable insights on effective strategies for controlling fly populations in cattle, emphasizing the importance of targeted solutions.
Hear from Mark Upton, Director of Ag Products, about how Central Life Sciences is at the forefront of fly control, offering a range of products and services.
Beef heifer mastitis is a potentially devastating issue for cattle herds, as it can quickly spread and have a huge impact on animal health and your bottom line.
Central Life Sciences has a dedicated Technical Services Group that is focused on providing field-based support and solutions for livestock and insect control.
The industry explored the use of garlic for managing horn flies, but Central Life Sciences revealed limited suppression of horn flies when garlic was utilized.
The Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives published their findings from a one-year study conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Altosid® IGR on horn fly populations
It's important to use a variety of fly traps, fly baits, on-animal treatments and feed-through fly control to manage disease-spreading fly populations.
Be aware of the conditions of your operation and the number of horn flies around your cattle for the protection of your property and neighboring operations.
Reduce your herd's environmental "hoofprint" with Altosid® IGR; the ideal horn fly control choice for today's environmentally responsible cattle producer.
The effects of heat stress in cattle cost the U.S. livestock industry billions of dollars every year, and those numbers are only going to increase as average summer temperatures continue to rise.
To protect against cattle diseases, it’s important to know the signs and implications of one of the most common cattle diseases spread by flies: pinkeye.
Horn fly populations often increase on pasture cattle after heavy rainfall. We sent our team into the field to see the effect this has on Altosid® IGR.
Ideal for smaller operations dealing with horn flies, Altosid® Small Packs provide the same level of fly control that you've come to expect with Altosid® IGR.
When cattle have access to quality nutrition and facilities during the cold winter months, they are healthier, have more successful pregnancies and have better rates of gain.
Controlling horn fly populations on your operation is imperative to healthy cattle, but unfortunately, mosquitoes, ticks and fire ants are also pests on pasture.
To keep cattle performing their best and to maintain control of your bottom line, an integrated pest management (IPM) program should be put into place.
Altosid® IGR is able to exert its effect at very small concentrations, making it an ideal fly control choice for today’s environmentally responsible producer.
A recent stocker cattle study was conducted in northeast Oklahoma to observe the effects of Altosid® IGR on horn fly control, cattle mineral consumption and weight gain. Here is a breakdown of the study’s findings, by the numbers.
When it comes to horn fly infestations on cattle, the best results are going to come from a product designed specifically to control horn flies, Altosid® IGR.
Watch our fly-control experts explain the benefits of Altosid® IGR, and hear how this feed-through horn fly solution has kept cattle more comfortable and profitable for Missouri cattleman Scott Betz.
The CFIA has made a ruling on the use of garlic in livestock feeds, stating that “claims related to an insect repellent effect are not acceptable feed claims.”
While various solutions exist, incorporating a feed-through fly control strategy can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your fly control program.
This blog addresses common concerns regarding (S)-Methoprene safety for cattle, humans, and the environment, its impact on beneficial insects and non-target species, and provides information on its regulatory status.
While various solutions exist, incorporating a feed-through fly control strategy, such as Altosid® IGR, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your pest management program, without additional time or labor.
Horn fly control innovations are vital to mitigating the economic losses caused by these pests. Among the emerging technologies, insect growth regulator technology, such as Altosid® IGR, remains a leading solution.
Pairing Altosid® IGR with pour-on solutions from Starbar® products can provide an extra layer of protection and effectiveness against fly infestations.
This blog will dive into the key ingredients of Altosid® IGR and provide detailed directions for its use, drawing on information from the product's labels.
To fully grasp how a feed-through solution works, let’s break down the “ABCs” of feed-through fly control and how Altosid® IGR fits into this strategy.