
Practical Guide to Implementing Altosid® IGR in Your Cattle Management

Practical Guide to Implementing Altosid® IGR in Your Cattle Management

Controlling fly infestations on cattle is a critical aspect of maintaining animal health and ensuring optimal productivity. While various solutions exist, incorporating a feed-through fly control strategy, such as Altosid® IGR, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your pest management program, without additional time or labor.

How to Use Altosid® IGR

Altosid® IGR Feed-Thru controls horn flies by interrupting their life cycle, rather than through direct toxicity. Based on this mode of action, the EPA considers it to be a biochemical pesticide. Mixed into cattle feed, Altosid® IGR passes through the digestive system into the manure, where horn flies lay their eggs. Altosid® is not like other feed-through products. It is classified as an insect growth regulator (IGR). The IGR in Altosid® IGR mimics naturally occurring insect biochemicals that are responsible for insect development. Through the mimicry, Altosid® IGR keeps the horn fly larvae from developing into adult flies that would otherwise emerge from the manure. It is able to exert this effect at very small concentrations.

  • Altosid® IGR is available in mineral blocks, tubs, liquid feed supplements and as a premix that can be top dressed or mixed into feed.
  • When using Altosid® IGR in free choice feeds, put out a 5- to 7-day supply.
  • Use one feeder per 15 to 20 animals.
  • Place feeders near watering holes or loafing areas.
  • Check feed consumption every few days, 30 days prior to fly emergence.

Recommended Altosid® IGR dosages and administration methods

Altosid® products are registered for cattle (beef and dairy) for continuous feeding during the fly season to prevent the breeding of horn flies in the manure of treated cattle at the level 1.13 mg/cwt/day.

Altosid® IGR Seasonal Application

One key factor for maximizing effectiveness and minimizing costs is adopting the Central Life Sciences 30/30 approach, a strategic guideline that emphasizes timing for initiating and maintaining fly control efforts before spring weather hits.

One of the significant advantages of the 30/30 approach lies in its adaptability to the variability of weather patterns. Spring warm-ups can be unpredictable, and initiating fly control efforts too late may lead to an uphill battle against an already established population. By starting the feed-through fly control solution 30 days before the last Spring freeze, livestock operators can stay ahead of the curve, ensuring effective control as soon as the season begins. Also, feeding 30 days after the first frost in the fall, limits the number of immature flies that survive to overwinter and jump start the following Spring's fly population.

To help limit the population of overwintering flies that emerge in spring and mark the start of fly season, follow these key steps of the 30/30 Program:

Begin feeding product with Altosid ® IGR 30 days before overwintering horn flies emerge.

  • Horn flies emerge when average daily temperatures reach 65° F.

If feeding in free choice feeds such as mineral supplements:

  • Put out a 5- to 7-day supply and allow one feeder per 15 to 20 animals.
  • Place near watering or loafing areas.
  • Monitor feed consumption for a few days. Increase or decrease the number of feeders or move them if necessary to adjust for proper consumption. Ensuring appropriate consumption is key to product effectiveness.

30 Day After Frost

  • Continue feeding product with Altosid ® IGR for 30 days after the first frost to help prevent horn flies from overwintering.
  • Horn flies can overwinter in their pupal stage and jump start adult populations in the spring.
  • Including Altosid ® IGR for 30 days after the first frost is essential, because a temperature bounce back could allow additional horn fly generations to develop.

In most years, Altosid ® IGR alone provides excellent season-long control when used as directed. If fly populations exceed acceptable levels or an Altosid ® IGR supplement is started after horn flies are present, use an approved adulticide such as Prolate/Lintox-HD™ Insecticidal Spray to knock back the adult fly population.

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