
How Feed-Through Fly Control Works for Cattle

How Feed-Through Fly Control Works for Cattle

A fly infestation on a cattle operation is more than just an inconvenience; it’s a serious issue that can affect your herd’s health, productivity, and ultimately your bottom line. Horn flies, in particular, are notorious for spreading diseases, interfering with weight gain, and reducing milk production. Addressing this problem efficiently requires effective solutions, and one of the most impactful methods available is the use of feed-through fly control solutions like Altosid® IGR. To fully grasp how a feed-through solution works, let’s break down the “ABCs” of feed-through fly control and how Altosid® IGR fits into this strategy.

Add to Feed

Flies lay their eggs in manure, where they develop into adults. Traditional methods of treating manure to control fly populations are impractical due to the large volume of manure produced by cattle—each cow can generate up to 148 pounds of manure per day. Early researchers recognized that managing manure was crucial for effective fly control, but manually treating every pile was not feasible.
This challenge led the founders of Central Life Sciences to innovate a more practical solution. Over 50 years ago, they developed insect growth regulator (IGR) technology specifically for livestock. Altosid® IGR was created using this approach, allowing the active ingredient to be delivered through feed. When cattle consume the feed, the IGR passes through their digestive system and into the manure. In this way, Altosid® IGR targets the manure directly, where flies lay their eggs, effectively disrupting the fly lifecycle.

Break the Life Cycle

Conventional insecticides typically work by targeting the nervous system of insects. However, Altosid® IGR takes a different approach. It is designed to break the fly life cycle at a critical stage. As the feed containing Altosid® IGR is digested, the active ingredient is excreted into the manure, where it specifically targets fly larvae. Here’s how it works:

  • Targeting Fly Larvae: The active ingredient in Altosid® IGR, Pyriproxyfen, mimics natural hormones that control insect growth and development. It interferes with the normal molting process of fly larvae.
  • Preventing Adult Flies: By disrupting the development of larvae, Altosid® IGR prevents them from maturing into biting adult flies. This reduces the population of flies that can cause harm to your cattle.
  • Effortless Application: Because Altosid® IGR is administered through feed, there is no need to round up or handle cattle. The product is naturally spread across the pasture as cattle graze, ensuring that it reaches the exact locations where flies lay their eggs.

Complementary Efforts

While Altosid® IGR provides effective fly control, it works best as part of a comprehensive integrated pest management (IPM) program. To maximize the benefits of Altosid® IGR, consider these complementary strategies:

  • Proper Sanitation: Regularly clean and manage manure to minimize fly breeding sites.
  • Facility Maintenance: Ensure facilities are well-maintained to prevent fly entry and breeding.
  • Additional Control Measures: Incorporate fly baits, traps, and sprays from the Starbar® Products line to manage adult flies effectively.

When Altosid® IGR is supported by these practices, it can lead to significant improvements in your cattle’s health and productivity. For instance, cattle treated with Altosid® IGR have shown a 15.8% increase in average daily gains compared to untreated cattle, highlighting the effectiveness of combining feed-through solutions with a complete IPM program.

Incorporating Altosid® IGR into your cattle management routine offers a strategic advantage in controlling fly populations. By understanding how feed-through solutions work and integrating them with complementary pest management practices, you can effectively manage fly infestations, improve herd health, and enhance overall productivity.

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