
Managing Lice Infestations on Beef Cattle

Managing Lice Infestations on Beef Cattle

Controlling horn fly populations on your operation is imperative to maintaining healthy and productive cattle. However, horn flies are just one of the many insects affecting beef cattle. Lice infestations can lead to reduced weight gain, lower milk production, and general discomfort for your animals.

Types of Lice Affecting Beef Cattle

  1. Biting Louse (Bovicola Damalinia bovis)
  2. Sucking Lice:
  • The Short-nose Cattle Louse (Haematopinus eurysternus)
  • The Long-nose Cattle Louse (Linognathus vituli)
  • The Little Blue Cattle Louse (Solenopotes capillatus)
  • The Cattle Tail Louse (Haematopinus quadripertusus)

Common Lice Infestation Sites on Beef Cattle

Lice infestations on livestock can vary depending on the type of animal and the specific lice species involved. However, there are common sites on livestock where lice are more likely to be found due to warmth, moisture, and a good hiding place.

  • Neck and Shoulders: The Long-nose Cattle Louse, Little Blue Cattle Louse, and Short-nose Cattle Louse
  • Back and Tail: The Cattle Tail Louse
  • Head/Ears/Nose: The Little Blue Cattle Louse, Short-nose Cattle Louse, and Biting Louse
  • Legs and Underbelly: The Long-nose Cattle Louse

General Lice Behavior

  • Lice are host-specific.
  • Lice are always on the same animal.
  • Lice usually spread through direct contact between hosts.

Areas to Treat on the Facility

  • Animal housing and shelters
  • Bedding and nesting areas
  • Feeding and watering areas
  • Frequented loafing areas
  • Transport and handling equipment

Signs of Lice Infestations

  • Agitated livestock
  • Wounds or sores on livestock
  • Restlessness and discomfort in animals
  • Weight loss or reduced growth rates

Dangers of Lice

  • Discomfort and irritation
  • Skin damage and infections
  • Anemia
  • Impact on reproductive performance
  • Spread of disease
  • Economic impact

Keeping your livestock free from pests like lice is crucial to maintaining a healthy, productive, and profitable operation. To help you combat lice and keep your animals in top condition, Starbar® Products offer a range of lice control solutions tailored to meet your specific needs.

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