Altosid® IGR is the original feed-through insect growth regulator and has earned a reputation for proven horn fly control. The product can be relied upon to protect cattle from horn flies, but it must be administered correctly to maximize the efficacy of fly control. Altosid® IGR features very low inclusion rates of the active ingredient, so ensuring cattle receive the proper amount of the horn fly IGR is essential to effective control. To ensure your cattle are consuming the right amount, here are three mixing tips for Altosid® IGR Premix:
Right Rate
The first and most important step in producing a proper feed-through mix is knowing how much Altosid® IGR to include in your feed. The amount of the product to be included is based on the weight of the animal. For help calculating your inclusion rate of Altosid® IGR 0.4% Premix, consult this rate card. As Brad Berg, regional sales manager at Central Life Sciences, emphasizes:
"It's real important to have the right mixtures and the proper mixing of the products back into whether you are making a mineral, a supplement, a tub, or a block. We're using very low inclusion rates for this, and to be able to get that done and done consistently back into the products, the mixing and the micro mixing of our products is very important."
Balanced Blend
Thoroughly mixing Altosid® IGR into the feed can help evenly distribute the product's active ingredient throughout. Without proper mixing, the Altosid® IGR can be disproportionately spread throughout the feed, creating "hot spots" with excessive amounts of the active ingredient, and "low spots" that do not include enough. Uneven mixes can prevent cattle from ingesting the proper amount of Altosid® IGR, preventing the product from maximizing its horn-fly control potential. Berg explains, "The problem with hot and low spots is simply then you're not going to have a consistent intake of the active ingredient on a daily basis. Eventually, you're going to have some spikes or some hatches that will produce a lot more adult flies. Ensuring even intake on a daily basis helps achieve consistent control in your overall fly control program."
Full Feeders
To ensure consistent, daily consumption of Altosid® IGR, it is important to maintain a steady supply of treated feed to cattle. Feed delivery systems containing Altosid® IGR should be kept full and accessible to cattle and regularly monitored to ensure proper consumption. Find more Altosid® IGR feeding tips here.
"Having formulations that provide consistent intake on a day-in and day-out basis is crucial. Make sure feeders aren't running out of product with Altosid® IGR, so there's product in front of them at all times", said Berg.
Altosid® IGR can help reduce horn fly populations with an easy-to-use solution that relies on the animals to spread the active ingredient. While minimal effort is required, following these important mixing tips for Altosid® IGR is essential.
Watch our Brad Berg share some advice in the video below to learn more.