As winter approaches, it’s the perfect time for livestock operators to start planning for spring and the inevitable challenge of fly infestations. Horn flies, in particular, pose a significant threat to cattle, impacting their health, productivity, and overall well-being. With proactive strategies and the right tools, you can effectively minimize the impact of these pests and ensure your herd is set up for a healthy, productive year ahead.
Targeted Fly Control for Cattle on Pasture
For pasture cattle, Altosid® IGR provides a powerful feed-through fly control solution. Key benefits include:
- Targeting Fly Larvae: The active ingredient in Altosid® IGR, (S)-methoprene, mimics natural hormones that control insect growth and development. It interferes with the normal molting process of fly larvae.
- Preventing Adult Flies: By disrupting the development of larvae, Altosid® IGR prevents them from maturing into biting adult flies. This reduces the population of flies that can cause harm to your cattle.
- Effortless Application: Because Altosid® IGR is administered through feed, there is no need to round up or handle cattle. The product is naturally spread across the pasture as cattle graze, ensuring that it reaches the exact locations where flies lay their eggs.
Understanding the Threat
Horn flies are bloodsucking parasites that cluster on the backs of cattle, taking up to 40 blood meals daily. These pests cause significant stress to livestock, leading to:
- Reduced weight gains and decreased feed efficiency.
- Lower milk yields for cattle on pasture.
- Teat lesions that can lead to mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus.
Horn flies also lay eggs exclusively in freshly deposited cow manure, allowing populations to explode if not managed effectively. Their constant feeding and irritation cost cattle energy, resulting in long-term productivity losses.
The 30/30 Approach: Timing Is Key
A proven method to stay ahead of horn flies and other pests is the Central Life Sciences 30/30 approach. This strategy emphasizes proper timing to achieve maximum effectiveness with minimal effort. Here’s how it works:
- Start Early: Begin your fly control program 30 days before the last spring freeze. This proactive measure helps combat developing fly populations before they become established, ensuring your herd is protected as soon as warm weather begins.
- Stay Consistent: Continue the program through the summer.
- Wrap Up Wisely: Feed the solution 30 days after the first frost in the fall to limit the number of overwintering immature flies.
By adopting this approach, you can address seasonal variations and avoid an uphill battle against mature fly populations later in the year.
Beating Horn Flies with Preparation
Horn flies are persistent and destructive pests, but with preparation and a sound management plan, you can minimize their impact on your cattle. By starting early with the 30/30 approach, incorporating feed-through solutions like Altosid® IGR, and maintaining a comprehensive IPM program, you’ll ensure your herd thrives this spring and beyond.
Now’s the time to gear up for fly season—because when it comes to horn flies, prevention is your best ally.