
RFD-TV Video: Boosting Cattle Comfort and Profits

RFD-TV Video: Boosting Cattle Comfort and Profits

Flies are more than just an annoyance for cattle; they pose a significant threat to the profitability of cattle operations. North American cattle producers are well aware of the economic toll, with horn flies alone costing over $1 billion each year. And that's just the beginning. When you factor in other types of flies, the impact on cattle production becomes a major concern. In this blog, we’ll explore the different fly-related challenges cattle producers face and how they can effectively manage them to ensure better cattle health and profitability.

Understanding the Fly Problem

Flies cause a multitude of issues in both pasture and confinement situations. On pasture, horn flies are the primary culprits. These blood-feeding insects siphon off valuable nutrients from cattle, nutrients that could otherwise be used for milk or meat production. They also pose a disease risk, spreading pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus. In confined settings, stable flies and house flies add to the woes, becoming significant disease vectors and a general nuisance to both animals and workers.

Scott Betz, a beef cattle producer, and Aaron, a dairy farmer, underscore the importance of keeping cattle comfortable to enhance productivity. Aaron explains, “Using ClariFly and having more comfortable cows, you know, you take care of your cows and they'll take care of you. And we try to do, or we try to make sure our cows are as stress free as possible. Cow comfort plays a big role in production and also in public perception of dairy farmers and or cattlemen in general and it really helps our cows maintain a high standard of living.”

They observe that fly infestations can lead to decreased daily weight gains, lower conception rates, and general discomfort among cattle, particularly during the hot summer months. This discomfort often manifests as issues like pinkeye and general agitation, which further hampers cattle health and productivity.

cott highlights the benefits of using Altosid® IGR, stating, “We'll start feeding the Altosid® first of March and we'll keep feeding the Altosid® til about the first of November. We don't have any pinkeye to speak of. They keep their condition better and cow's a lot more comfortable.”

Solutions for Fly Control

Effective fly control is essential for maintaining cattle comfort and, by extension, the productivity and profitability of an operation. Central Life Sciences offers solutions like Altosid® IGR and ClariFly® Larvicide to tackle fly problems in different settings:

  1. Altosid® IGR: Ideal for pasture settings, Altosid® IGR is a feed-through product that integrates seamlessly into cattle diets. It works by passing through the animal and entering the manure, where it prevents fly eggs from maturing into adults. This targeted approach minimizes the fly population right at the source.
  2. ClariFly® Larvicide: Suited for feedlot or confinement situations, ClariFly® Larvicide works as a feed-through to help prevent the emergence of adult house, stable, face, and horn flies by stunting the growth of the fly.

Both Scott and Aaron have witnessed firsthand the positive impact of these products. They emphasize the ease of use and the significant reduction in fly populations on their farms. This translates to more content, healthier cattle and improved production metrics.

For more information on how Altosid® IGR and ClariFly® Larvicide have kept cattle more comfortable and profitable, hear from our experts and watch the video below.

Watch our fly-control experts explain the benefits of Altosid® IGR, and hear how this feed-through horn fly solution has kept cattle more comfortable and profitable for Missouri cattleman Scott Betz.
Blog | Altosid® IGR