
Altosid® IGR: An Effective Solution for Horn Fly Control

Altosid® IGR: An Effective Solution for Horn Fly Control

Horn flies can be a persistent and costly issue for cattle producers. They cause irritation and stress to cattle, leading to reduced weight gain and milk production. For those seeking an environmentally friendly and effective method to control horn flies, Altosid® IGR offers a promising solution. This blog explores Altosid® IGR benefits, its mode of action, and how it stands out among other feed-through fly control products.

The Altosid® IGR Mode of Action

Altosid® IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) is a unique feed-through product designed to control horn flies in cattle. Unlike traditional insecticides that rely on direct toxicity to kill flies, Altosid® IGR targets the horn fly larvae by interrupting their life cycle. The active ingredient in Altosid® IGR, (S)-Methoprene, mimics naturally occurring insect biochemicals responsible for insect development. This Altosid® IGR mode of action ensures that horn fly larvae cannot mature into adult flies, breaking the life cycle and reducing the overall fly population.

How Altosid® IGR Works: Horn Fly Life Cycle Interruption

The effectiveness of Altosid® IGR lies in its ability to disrupt the horn fly life cycle. When mixed into cattle feed, Altosid® IGR passes through the digestive system and into the manure, where horn flies lay their eggs. The (S)-Methoprene in the manure prevents the larvae from developing into adult flies. This process, known as life cycle interruption, means fewer adult flies emerge, significantly reducing the horn fly population over time.

Comparison with Other Feed-Through Products

Compared to other feed-through products, Altosid® IGR offers several distinct advantages:

  • Environmental Safety: Altosid® IGR is classified by the EPA as a biochemical pesticide, indicating its low toxicity to non-target organisms. It does not harm beneficial insects like dung beetles and bees, and there are no harmful residues in meat or milk when used as directed.
  • No Resistance Issues: Since its introduction in 1975, there has been no verified case of resistance to (S)-Methoprene, making Altosid® IGR a reliable long-term solution for horn fly control.
  • Ease of Integration: Altosid® IGR can be easily incorporated into existing cattle feed routines, ensuring consistent and effective fly control without additional labor.

Environmental Benefits and EPA Classification

Altosid® IGR’s classification as a biochemical pesticide by the EPA underscores its environmental benefits. It works at very low concentrations, minimizing its impact on the ecosystem. Additionally, because it targets only horn fly larvae, it preserves beneficial insects that contribute to the health of the pasture ecosystem.

Using Altosid® IGR supports sustainable farming practices by reducing reliance on traditional insecticides, which can lead to resistance and environmental contamination. By choosing Altosid® IGR, producers can maintain healthy cattle herds while protecting the environment.

For cattle producers seeking an effective and environmentally friendly solution to horn fly control, Altosid® IGR offers a proven and reliable option. Its unique mode of action, environmental safety, and ease of integration into existing feed routines make it an ideal choice. By breaking the horn fly life cycle, Altosid® IGR helps maintain healthier, more productive cattle while safeguarding the environment for future generations.

Blog | Altosid® IGR