Over the course of 90 days, a group of new Altosid® IGR users embarked on a journey to test the product's effectiveness in controlling horn flies. National Account Manager Brian Hupp emphasized this endeavor's triumph, stating, "The 90-day trial demo that we did was a great success."
Hupp elaborated on the trial's impact, highlighting that "96 percent of the participants in our 90-day fly demo saw a drastic improvement in the fly control that they saw on their cattle. It's all about cow comfort. And so, when they see their cattle, not bunched up in the corner of the fence line, um, swishing their tail, slinging their head back, kick in, stopping, carrying on, spending a lot of energy, um, not out grazing and, and putting weight on, I think that just says everything to these customers."
The trial focused on individuals unfamiliar with Altosid or those who had encountered difficulties with it previously. It aimed to demonstrate the product's efficacy over an extended period, with participants bearing no financial burden.
Hupp further elaborated on the trial's methodology, stressing the importance of feedback through follow-up surveys. These surveys were vital in gauging the participants' perceptions of the trial's outcomes, particularly regarding the impact on their cattle's well-being.
Here is a breakdown of the study's findings by the numbers:
96% The percentage of participants who reported improvement in horn fly control
93% The percentage of participants who will continue feeding Altosid® IGR
7.65 How effective Altosid® IGR is out of 10
90% The percentage of participants that were satisfied with the results they experienced from Altosid® IGR
2/3 The average number of participants that reported less bunching in animals
90 The number of days the trial was conducted
Altosid® IGR is a feed-through horn fly control product that passes through the cow into the manure, where flies lay eggs. It interrupts the horn fly life cycle to prevent adult horn flies from emerging.
Read more about the participant's experiences and results in the A Story of Success in 90-Days download and watch the video below!