Controlling fly infestations on cattle is a critical aspect of maintaining animal health and ensuring optimal productivity. While various solutions exist, incorporating a feed-through fly control strategy, such as Altosid® IGR or ClariFly® Larvicide, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your pest management program, without additional time or labor. One key factor to success is adopting the Central Life Sciences 30/30 approach, a strategic guideline that emphasizes timing for initiating and maintaining fly control efforts before spring weather hits.
One of the significant advantages of the 30/30 approach lies in its adaptability to the variability of weather patterns. Spring warm-ups can be unpredictable, and initiating fly control efforts too late may lead to an uphill battle against an already established population. By starting the feed-through fly control solution 30 days before the last Spring freeze, livestock operators can stay ahead of the curve, ensuring effective control as soon as the season begins. Also, feeding 30 days after the first frost in the fall, limits the number of immature flies that survive to overwinter and jump start the following Spring's fly population.
While no single tool or tactic can completely eliminate flies on cattle, incorporating a feed-through fly control solution into a comprehensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program is a key component of success. It is important to use a variety of fly traps, fly baits, and on-animal treatments as well as feed-through technology to manage disease-spreading fly populations.
By starting early, staying ahead of weather variations, and integrating these measures into a broader IPM program, operators can maximize fly control effectiveness throughout the year.