The Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives recently published their findings from a one-year study conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Altosid® IGR on horn fly populations. This study, done in partnership with Canadian Agricultural Partnership, was conducted in Manitoba as the first of its kind in Canada.
The study featured two groups, a group of cattle treated with Altosid® IGR and an untreated control group. All cow-calf pairs were maintained on pasture at separate farm stations for the duration of the study. The treatments were assigned to the two different locations to ensure a minimum of 2 miles of separation between treated and untreated livestock.
Keep reading to find out the results and see the impact Altosid® IGR had on controlling horn flies.
Observed Fly Control Difference
The Altosid® IGR group saw significantly smaller horn fly populations than the control group throughout the duration of the experiment. While populations did exceed the economic threshold of 100 flies per side of animal during peak fly season, the cattle treated with Altosid® IGR experienced as much as 60% lower than the control group at these times.
Another factor that could’ve impacted fly populations was the occasionally inconsistent mineral consumption experienced by both groups. Consistent mineral consumption can play a pivotal role in achieving optimal performance of Altosid® IGR and can help reduce fly populations.
Animal Performance and Weaning Rate
Performance and weaning rate were two other factors evaluated during the study. Calves in the Altosid® IGR group experienced a 20% higher weaning rate percentage of dam weight than the control group (48% vs. 40%). Percentage of dam weight plays an important role in production efficiency. Altosid® IGR could have played a role in helping calves achieve a higher percentage of dam weight by reducing fly populations, resulting in less irritation and potentially more feeding.
Ultimately, the group of cattle treated with Altosid® IGR experienced a couple of advantages over the control group. The cattle in the Altosid® IGR group saw far less fly activity throughout the experiment, and calves in the group had a higher weaning rate percentage of dam weight.
Altosid® IGR is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that passes through the animal and into the manure, where horn flies lay their eggs. It breaks the horn fly life cycle, preventing pupae from developing into biting adult flies. Altosid® IGR helps promote healthier and more productive cattle.
Ready to start protecting your herd with Altosid® IGR? Find a sales rep in your area right here.